So, I've decided to model theme selection after Ludum Dare.
- Just like Ludum Dare, we'll have a period in which participants can submit theme suggestions. I'll open a thread soon where that can take place. Feel free to share any idea that you have for a theme there. Theme suggestions will be open until Saturday, September 22nd at 11:59 PM CDT.
- From there, we will have 4 rounds of voting to narrow down the themes suggested.
- Round 1 will begin on September 23rd.
- Round 2 will begin on September 26th.
- Round 3 will begin on September 29th.
- Round 4 will begin on October 2nd and end on October 4th.
- The winning theme will be kept secret until the time the jam starts on October 5th.
Because doesn't have a system set up to handle this, I'll be using Google Forms. Each form will be limited to 1 response and will require you to sign into a Google account in order to use it.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions!