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(1 edit)

"Well I'm sorry, okay?!"

..Your own ex is your enemy.

“.. You think a simple SORRY-?!”

He slammed into the wall once, holding him in front of himself once again-

“… Is even meaningful? Oh, so I should expect -random name-, to be fine if I used his toy, since apparently it’s alright to use someone for everything they have, correct?”

"P-Please-j-just put me down-"

Tears started rolling down his cheek-real ones. He was hurt-he was currently regretting everything he did-he just-wanted to be freed.

“… “P-P-P-Pleeeease put me d-d-down”, listen to yourself. How pathetic of you, you call yourself a pro hero? A real hero would be able to handle more than having the air in their life slowly squeeze out of there body..-“

.. The pressure began to slowly grow.. it just.. started to hurt like fucking hell-..


He squirmed around, trying to break free.


“.. Sorry bud, that’s not how it works. I will no longer consider you as human.. you are nothing but a pawn, a pawn to be sent out with orders.. which is truly all you were ever were to begin with. The darkness won’t so easily be broken, your little invisibly quirk won’t help you with getting out.”



..Another hit against the wall, yet only.. head first… no he didn’t kill him, but blood did start running down his head

“… Would you like to test how far I’ll torture your pathetic body?”


“Good, now be quiet. I have other things to deal with.. you just sit here like the good lil dog you are.. and I’ll come back to finish the job~”

The vault door opened.. he went out it.. and now there was just a bunch of version of himself inside him, like Jesus there were DOZENS-… Well now he literally couldn’t do anything, not even speak to his ex-