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It's possible to mod the mod system, to change that regular expression to something that would work better.

I wasn't very familiar with Godot syntax when I wrote that regular expression.  I had to look up multi-line variables, and was not aware at the time that a dictionary with multiple values could be declared on a single line, and I couldn't even find an example of a static multi-dimensional array/dictionary and its declaration.

Regular expressions are... difficult to get right.

Having said that,

what is a regex tester and where can I find one?

Haha yeah... I tried to tweak the regex to get it working right, but bit burned out on coding from work to finish.  I typically use a site like so I can visually see how it's matching to a set of text.  Can then stick in a variety of test cases and see how it responds.  I was able to tweak it to accept:

var blah = {
<tab indented text>

But the solution wouldn't have worked for single lines.  Likely could have made it work with some more groupings and or operators.  I used that site earlier to figure out why some of my code wasn't working, as in my own mod,it also fails on:

var randomportraits = load(globals.modfolder + "/randomportraits/").new()

Because it only matches on
var randomportraits = load(globals.modfolder
and inserts that into the file, breaking the game.  Thus, i did var blah = null, and then conditionally load it first time i need it.