Mind talking some about the balance? I also completed the unitpedia and I agree on some of them, and wanna get more opinions on the other ones.
I found that the Adventurer/Hiker as well as Warrior would mostly make a good early unit, because they scaled fast, but wouldn't be any good once you got all the Tier2 units necessary for your comp, in fact they'd just seem to slow me down at that point. I would imagine them to be a lot better if you reroll a lot to Tier3 them maybe?
I typically don't need to reroll too much for Tier3 and like to use Lancer/Assassin for the frontline, to get the double attack going with a Smith/Cleric/Bard for defense.
That way the Blacksmith is actually pretty decent, tho I prefer to use the Weapon Smith over it to concentrate its buffs into only 3 scaling units.