if winning is too easy for you i got some challenges for you in no order so I won't get replies like "oh this challenge is to easy the one where you have to <insert challenge name here> because of that <insert long explanation here about abilities>" or like "NoOoOooO tHe <insert challenge name here> cHaLlenGe iS tOo hArd PLeAse pUt ThAt OnE oN HaRD chAlLEnGEs" so here we go.
1. No Gear Allowed (other units that can buff is allowed)
2. No Long Range Units Allowed (units with range above 1 is not allowed)
3. No Short Ranged Units Allowed (units with range below 2 is not allowed)
4. Like Challenges 2 or 3 but the units evolution must meet with the rules (if you want an evolution but it doesn't follow the rules put it in the barracks until it follows the rules)
5. Only One Type Of Unit
6. No Buffing Units Allowed (gear is allowed so shopkeeper and couponer is a good idea too your team)
7. Only 3 Units
8. Only 2 Units
9. Only One Unit
10. Like 9 But Barracks Are Disabled (Edit1: self buffing is allowed btw)
11. No Gear Or Buffing Units Allowed (it's possible but I did it on normal)
12. Like 10 But Gear Is Disabled