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Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

Thank you for inviting me to play your game as I had an enjoyable experience getting jumpscared multiple times during the game and solving puzzles as well. The first puzzle was actually really simple but I am kinda blind so I missed the clue entirely XD while for the second puzzle, I liked the usage of colour and numbers at the same time to put the memory of the player to the test. The game is actually quite horrifying with the monster making random sounds at random times, suddenly appearing near doors and the jumpscares from the monster really got me good.

It would be cool if the game had voice acting as well as more things to interact with so that we get to know more about what the main character is like, his relationship with Amy and what on earth the monster actually is (this question kinda gets answered at the end of the game). It would also be awesome if there was an ending scene for the game as well. The game was quite good overall but it feels like it is lacking in ways to push the story forward and lacking a sense of stress or fear when I see the monster standing next to the door since I already know it is going to scare me only.

Overall, this was a great game and I liked the usage of video tapes to enhance the horror atmosphere where the video tapes kinda symbolise memories of the main character and the video tapes act as a medium to push the story forward as well. 

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for playing and also for the commentary where there are some good tips to improve my games. If I am sincere I was thinking for a while if I put a voice to the main character but in the end I left it aside to try to do other things. But for the next game I make, I'm sure there will be a voice for the character and for Amy. I also liked the idea of making a final scene for the game that I was also thinking about it but due to the short time I had to finish the game I didn't see myself able to finish it and make it well. Again thank you very much for taking the time to play it and leave me a good comment with things to improve!