I think I like the game, but I confess that I didn't quite understand what was causing a particular spell to trigger. I believe there was a really interesting system underneath it all that I should have been paying attention to. However, I ended up just hitting space and clicking on the dice as fast as I could, regardless of what type of spell ended up being cast. I think there may have been more complexity than I was able to handle in what rapidly began to feel like a time-contrained decision space. Perhaps consider adjusting the dice to just show numbers 1 through 4, and the sum of all dice clicked become the power of a single generic spell. It reduces the design space (and likely the fun for you as the creator), but it also lowers the complexity to become just "click the dice such that they show a high number".
This is definitely a big scope for a 3-hour jam. Nice work with what you were able to achieve. I'm sorry that I couldn't fully appreciate it all due to my tiny brain, however.