If there’s anything further you are willing to say or correct my thinking in regards to making the square block, feel free:
The first block, the block that will hit the upper left button cannot be pushed directly to the button. It has to travel left, one space above the button, and then loop back (requires a down block) in order to synchronize with the object that will hit the lower button. In order to affect the split motion of the 2 blocks, the first block needs to be on another blockdirectly left of the diagonal block. It isn’t possible to get that first block in place without pushing one of the down blocks off of the platform in order to transfer it. Atleast one more down blocks are necessary for block #2 to reach the bottom button. Down ward blocks are necessary to create down right blocks. Two down right blocks are needed to reach the exit and need to be transferred to it ( the exit) by way of being stacked on other blocks. It’s not possible to elevate any blocks in the level after the risers have been used once.
Obviously these can’t all be true and my common sense tells me there must be a way to keep two downward blocks up on the platform while making the square block I’m just spelling out the thought process. Tough puzzle. I believe the only two other I know that started it both already gave up.