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I loved this! It was perfectly difficult, without being frustrating hard to control. To bad there was not more levels, I could've easily spent a lot more time with this one. :) But perhaps that's also one thing that made it fun, the short game with solid and complete features is most often better than a long one with loose ends and unfinished stuff.

Nice surprise at the end! Was sort of hoping there would be some screen after showing other peoples etchings! :D

The only thing I had an issue with was the level gen sometimes being a bit unfair, but since I didn't need to restart the game because of it, I just found it fun! :D

Level gen: "You're gonna die"
Me: "No no, I got this"
Level gen:

Hahaha, yes, sorry about that... It can get very unfair sometimes, unfortunately it wasn't something I had time to fix. Thanks so much for playing and your feedback!