Balance Commentary Post 2 incoming. Please excuse any negativity, since I'm mostly mentioning the weaker units. The game won't be any less awesome because of them. So I hope everyone gets to enjoy post 2, featuring:
Bards - I like every single Bard unit, they all have a decent spot for themselves. I could see using each of them in some set of circumstances.
Verdict: fun & balanced
Super Cleric/Healer - I think they're generally weaker than the Scholar branch. Obviously the HP are better on the frontliner, but it is possible to focus the Scholar a bit more by leaving it in the barracks. I think the Healer's thing is more that you can leave it in the Army, where it won't be doing much because it lacks range.
Verdict: overall a good unit, would benefit from having 2 range like the Scholars.
Necromancer - I've said many times before, that buffs are better on the units that need them. The Necromancer doesn't need them. Worse yet, it grants itself a measly 5 HP per attack. Chances are it gets hit before even getting 30HP for itself. At that point, the Super Cleric would've done more. The range doesn't help much either, since the Healer never had any to begin with.
Verdict: this unit needs a rework, or a massive buff. @TheRealAskz proposed reviving units on 1 HP once, which I like. Or maybe increase the buff value to +10+10 (that's in line with the Tambourinist btw.).
Long Thrower - Another unit that suffers the 5-range issue. At the point where you get it, you're already overkilling the enemy frontline, and you're also opening up the 2-range slot in your army. The Sprinkler is just always the better option.
Verdict: it still provides an alternative niche, but it should probably get a damage boost or more reliable piercing effect. E.g. make it attack the 2nd unit if the 1st unit is already dead.
Spiked Shield - So instead of dealing its attack to the squishier and more dangerous 2nd and 3rd units, it deals up to 25 bonus damage to the front unit. That's just terrible. E.g. the Barbarian attacks the attacking unit back. The Spiked Shield is much, much worse than that. I guess its purpose is to melt the frontline, but it is terrible at it. Hitting the backline is just always better, unless it's a 1-unit team. But it's even worse against those.
Verdict: this requires heavy buffing. At the very least it should retaliate equal it its attack or half its HP. You could also increase the amount to 20. Or, if you want it to be really unique: return half the damage to the sender (shouldn't reduce the damage it takes though, otherwise it's just a better Tower Knight)
Fire Mage - This might be the first unit I mention because it is really good. It's just amazing at clearing out the squishy backline. With optimal targeting it can sometimes kill 3 units at the start of combat.
Verdict: I would still leave it as is though, since it's a great enabler of low-buff teams.
Entropy Mage - In general terms, this unit is weaker than the Fire Mage, but I think it has a wonderful niche for itself in which it excels. The unfortunate part is that it looses its damage as it gets hit, so it can be unreliable at times.
Verdict: it's in a decent spot. It doesn't need buffs if AOE units overall get nerfed. Otherwise, there's 2 options: either before combat its attack becomes half its HP, or the weaker buff would be that it uses its attack once its HP are too low.
Chaos - I think this is a great unit. Amazing for a team without damage buffs. It deals an average of 50 damage per round, usually targeting better enemies than the frontline. The big part is that because of the nature of its predecessor, it likely has a lot of HP.
Verdict: balanced
Entropy Wizard - This unit suffers from similar issues as the Entropy Mage. It needs a lot of HP to be better than Chaos.
Verdict: should probably not loose damage when it gets hit.
One Man Army - the maximum amount of buffage this guy gets is +8 stats if every other slot is empty. That's pretty weak, especially since it's more likely +6 as other slots are occupied by the units you're gathering to upgrade it. On the other hand, it's extremely cost-effective, and allows you to concentrate fully on upgrading it.
Verdict: I guess it can't be made too strong. Though it could do with a buff like "randomly +1+0 or +0+2"
Round Warrior - What prevents me from simply putting a Healer into my first army slot instead? That's the same amount of HP per turn. Also this unit itself is a bad recipient for its own buff. Units like the Hoplite or Assassin just make twice as much out of it.
Verdict: the amount of stats this gets is really underwhelming. Should be minimum +0+6.
Three Swords Style - This suffers all the same downsides as the One Man Army. The max stats i grants are +24. The one thing keeping it afloat are the One Man Army's stats. I guess at least you can just slam items onto it like crazy?
Six Armed Demon - The amount of buffs is dissatisfying. Just like the Three Swords Style, it mostly gets carried by its Tier2 unit. It then makes for a decent frontline unit while you start collecting a backline.
Double Verdict: these 2 units are mostly being hampered by the concept. They can't be too strong, otherwise you'd have a braindead strategy. I think it's fun to have a meme strat or two though, so they're fine as they come. Alternatively, one of them could diverge from the theme and gain a completely different ability, that gives it a power multiplier - like double attack or damage reduction.
Beetle Guard - you upgrade a unit that gets the same HP as the Healer grants, but only on itself to a unit that gets LESS HP than the Super Healer grants, but only on itself.
Verdict: both Beetle Guard and Round Warrior need to gain WAY more stats. I'd give this one at least double of what it receives at the moment.
Mush Knight - This is the sole reason I'd build round warriors for. If you're lucky, you can end up with a bunch of 1-attack enemies. Unfortunately it gets slaughtered by high attack units.
Verdict: The attack reduction needs to be a % value rather than a flat value. The greatest danger to this unit are high attack units after all. Alternatively, it could be reworked to reduce the enemy maximum damage. E.g. after their first attack, the enemy's attack is reduced to 50 if it is higher. Then to 45, then to 40, etc.