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Any news on when the next ep will be out? (no pressure, just wondering)

You can analyse their trend to publish every update.

1st episode in January

2nd after *1 month* in February

3rd after  *2 month* in April.

4th after *3 month* in july.

5th after *2 month* in sep (anomaly period)

6 th December after 3 month.

So 7th will be in somewhere around march/april

Hmm, episode 6 was in November, so 2 months....


I'm still developing the 3rd and 4th episode of my other game, it will be awhile till I go back here.


yeah, LCC It also seems to have a good story, a story on the other side at the same time and connected with some characters. i think. am i wrong?

But there are so many heartbroken fans here, for emma/emy of course.

Can't wait for the next episode, I hope it will be released soon.