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(1 edit) (+1)

Once again, an absolutely lovely demo! I tried Soul Contract months ago on a whim and was blown away by the story, interesting mechanics, and animated art. So I was extremely excited to see another game in the same universe! I played as Jou and ended up making a contract with Seladre. I think their dynamic is very good. I look forwards to seeing how their romance will play out.

Hopefully, this project will continue to be something you enjoy; because I think your love for these characters really shows!


Hi Whimberly, Thank you so much for taking the time to try this demo and write your thoughts. I definitely want to explore this world that I built.  The beginning of this year I'm finally coming out of this long slump (though I'm still struggling with burnout and fatigue) I hope to share some more of my stories and characters soon~ Thanks again so much for your supportive words!