This game has a lot of really nice components. The fishing component is neat, as one way to get deeper and better catches is to simply improve at the mechanics--although I'm not sure I would ever be good enough at the Coast fishing to get more than a hundred feet or so...
Also along those lines, the mechanic of unlocking new areas with slower fish is very nice. It's actually kind of a unique experience among get-money-for-upgrades games like this--I kept buying new hooks and stuff and not really improving, but once I realized I could buy new areas I figured I should try it. And then that was a major improvement. And getting to that point requires the player to look at the very bottom of the upgrade menu. So, I don't know, it's just kind of a cool hidden path that you sort of have to discover in order to really make progress in the game.
Unfortunately, my computer does not load the Ocean area at all--it basically freezes every time I load it. I am able to load the very last area, but it still lags pretty significantly there and it's not nearly as fun as it could be to fish there. I was going to say maybe a desktop version would be nice, but I just saw it's open source... maybe at some point I'll go run it as a desktop version myself.
It is very cool, however, that the game saves all the progress so I can just refresh the page. That did help at certain points, including the travel bug.
One small note is I quite enjoy the music. Very nice and chill. I would say it made the experience of reloading the page over and over quite relaxing (when I was testing to get into the Ocean).
Overall this is a pretty nice game.