This is a great theme interpretation haha.
Let me just say the art, sfx, and overall mood really stuck out to me. The player's animations are so adorable, especially when shining their light. The pool of oil and the accompanying sfx are also really nice and add a lot to the otherwise dark and mysterious scene.
I also really appreciate how simple yet clear the minimap is - it doesn't distract from the art at all. In fact, the entire UI takes a very refreshing, minimalist approach that really leaves my eyes free to wander the screen and appreciate what's going on. Though it would be nice if the minimap indicated which rooms had oil, even if that was just a green pixel in the middle of the room's square.
Footstep sfx are also really nice, and their echo adds to the feeling of emptiness. If anything, I wish there were more sfx - like a soft, warm buzzing when shining your light, or some quiet swoosh for when enemies are reduced to dust and darkness - just to immerse the player even more into the otherwise quiet world.
This is really well put together! I think the game's many elements all come together in a really nice way. Congrats!