Heya! I'll copy /paste another comment I left as it addresses the issue you've brought up:
"Soutarou is indeed taller in this sprite. He was very small in the original due to him being more of a shota type character, and while we didn't keep that characteristic in Revisited, he ended up looking fairly small due to how the sprites were rendered onscreen. With the new sprites, we're making everyone take more real estate on the screen, as well have decided to represent Soutarou being aged up by making him look his actual age, and so the difference might seem a bit stark compared to the other unfinished sprites."
So, long story short, he's indeed taller but for two very different reasons, and would have appeared taller even if we had kept him at the exact same size as our previous version of Soutarou.
I do think his taller appearance fits him more as he appears in Homecoming personally, hehe.