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They could see vibrations on the water from how badly he was shaking-

Katsuki then looked at the thing again, he put Denki down, and he ran abck to the camp-while Katsuki slowly started stepping closer-


It squeaked again and shrank back more, tail thrashing above the water a bit- it was-actually breathtakingly beautiful-

" you okay..?"

He put his hand out, looking at it-AWWW-HE WAS BEING A SWEETHEARTT-


He slowly got back up, tilting his head at Bakugou in confusion 

(1 edit)

"Can you understand me?"

He chirped at him, confused but taking his hand. His eyes widened a bit-and he grinned, showing off sharp teeth-predator teeth-and then he started to sing. 


His eyes widened for a split second before falling into his spell (I dunno want to call it lmao-) he then slowly started going deeper into the water, Denki then saw Katsuki, he then ran after him.


He then got into the water-right before Kat's was knee-deep into the water, Denki grabbed his other hand, tugging him away from the Siren, pulling him out the water.

He just grinned and kept singing-causing the much stronger Bakugou to try and pull out of Denki's grip. 

Ren woke up once again from the yelling, he sat up, and saw Katsuki and Denki-then then Siren. Ren aight no hero but uh-he cares about his friends-he ran over to the ocean, facing his fears. He got into the water grabbing Katsuki, trying to pull him out of the Siren's grip-and it kinda was working-