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This is a really cool and clever spin on the auto-runner. The art and the music are on point. Thematically, this game is oozing with flavor. Love it. 

However, the controls were super frustrating. I almost quit on the first level because timing dropping the icons on the screen felt impossible when the speed kept changing. It's difficult enough as it is, but when the whole thing slow or stops to perform an action, it felt really unfair and unfun. I'm not sure what the better solution is though. I ended up getting to level 6, but the levels where the powers started to randomize were just too frustrating for me with everything else. 

Awesome jam entry. And I saw some other comments mention touch controls worked a lot better. That's probably the solution. But for a browser game, it felt a bit out of place. 


I get your point, and we actually have some ideas to make the controls better. We are gonna try to implement them in the future. Thanks for the feedback it means a lot !