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(1 edit) (+2)

For those that don't speak French (myself included), this is what the first screen says:

As director of the scene, you must help Jean Bonde D'York to pursue the evil Doctor Bay Honne. To do this, you must place elements allowing him to move between the skyscrapers of the city of PigTy.

In the preparation phase, a panel allows you to place the available elements using the left mouse click. By pressing Space, you go to the action phase and the placed objects can be activated by a left click.

Press Space to start

It was difficult for me to activate the bombs at the right time, since you have to click on, or very close to them. Maybe make everything go in sequential order, regardless of where the player clicks?

Otherwise, it was a fun and interesting puzzle game. Good job! I'm just not sure if it followed the theme. (Pun intended)

Traduction française:

C'était difficile pour moi d'activer les bombes au bon moment, puisqu'il faut cliquer sur, ou très près d'elles. Peut-être faire en sorte que tout se passe dans un ordre séquentiel, quel que soit l'endroit où le joueur clique ?

Sinon, c'était un jeu de puzzle amusant et intéressant. Bon travail! Je ne sais pas si cela suivait le thème. (Jeu de mots volontaire)