Most apps from here won't work with wine, and even some of the ones ported to Linux won't work anyway, most developers aren't that tech-savvy to create games for Linux or even know about the "Linux ecosystem" at all, sad reality ;-;
I tried a few things but still can't make it run on Wine either, playing on browser is a bit laggy, would be good if I had a dual-boot with Windows or a Virtual Machine but I want to stay away from Microsoft the best that I can and my PC doesn't have a lot of CPU/RAM for VMs (running Lubuntu with 2GB ram xD)
If you have a good computer, a sweet alternative would be sudo apt-get install virtualbox and creating a Windows VM, it's better than wine (as Wine is just an emulator, and a VM is actually like a computer)
edit: You can download the Windows version and open the index.html from the www folder with the browser (maybe you gotta disable security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy for it to run, idk, it's always a thing with downloaded web rpg games), it's way less laggy and works great :)