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thank you. Am trying to input a system where a player is reward nano for every win and can raise a stake with nano  before the matches to increase his winnings. Though am having an issue integrating it. let me work through it today if am unable to progress i'll come back for assistance

Ok, sounds good! Good luck, and we're here to help if you need it!

hey, its connecting then giving me this error : Curl error 60: Cert handshake failed. verify result: UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FATAL_ERROR. error state: 7

how can I go about it?

Hi Andrew, this appears to be an issue with making a secure connection (HTTPS and WSS) to our servers. Are you using https:// and wss:// urls as opposed to http:// and ws:// ?

Can you send me the code you are using related to making the connection (perhaps through email)? 

hey am using https:// and wss:// let me send you my scripts via email

i send them to ?

Yup, I see them there, let me take a look and I will respond to your email with what I can discover. Thanks!

cool. am using unity 2020.3.26f btw

Ah, I just responded to your email, but I missed this earlier, thanks! There's a possibility that this version might be the issue, in my research I do see some of these errors appearing for older versions of Unity. Is it possible for you to use a newer version of Unity?

no problem let me try it out and get back to you