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What a unique theme! Reminded me of some of the old battling top games I used to play with my dad and brother. 

I don't think I quite understood how the mechanics of the game worked. I think there was a limit to the number of dashes you could perform, but sometimes it wouldn't let me dash even when I had a notch left. I'm also not sure how I can tell if I'm "dealing damage" or not. More feedback on good hits or getting hit would help a lot. 

As mentioned, the audio was super loud. I find that Unity's default volume of 1 is pretty dang loud compared to most thing, so I cut it in half at least. If you've never implemented volume control before, it's actually pretty simple. I add it to all of my games now because it adds so much polish and quality of life for the less than hour of work. Great time investment.

Overall, cool game and great job. This is a pretty cool thing to have made in a weekend, congrats!