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I like the idea, can lead to some interesting memory situations. Execution could have been better, the physics are too floaty and the jumps get way too hard way too fast, not because of the darkness mechanic but because of the physics.

(1 edit)

I like the memory idea-- maybe a block that when you're standing on it things are always dark? 

And yeah I know its difficult, I made three levels in an hour and a half and didn't have time to properly fine tune them until after the jam time limit was up.

Thanks for the feedback!

Actually, do you mind if I ask: were you using keyboard to play?

Yes, keyboard.

Ah, yeah-- its super hard on keyboard.  I play tested w an xbox controller (the ones with the super crappy d-pad) and it was okay.  I took your advice into consideration and upped the friction in my current version and it does feel better-- less "floaty"/slippery.  Thanks again!