Took some getting used to playing on a keyboard, agreed a console controller would make this a lot simpler, after figuring out how the gravity well works, the green one is far superior to the red, since there's no lock on how often you can hold it down it's a lot of fun making a wrecking ball of bullets, health packs, and asteroids. That is, until you need that health pack surrounded in dangerous live ammo. I was almost disappointed the gravity didn't work on enemies until I saw it was affecting their bullets, that was a gamechanger for sure.
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I was mostly play testing with a controller, I think if I have time later I'll modify it to allow you to use the mouse to control the well. Also thinking through a few ways to limit the gravity well without breaking the game (maybe a slider that goes up and down based on using regular/reverse gravity, if you max it out either way that type of gravity becomes weaker or disabled and you have to use the other)