She smiled
"Mhm, you do this for me, and I'll get you a date with him. Besides, you two would be a good match..."
....Moni-they-they wouldn't really be a good match but okay-
"Okay. I'm in. What's the girl's name and how does she look like."
"...Her name is Yuna-and you'll know her when you see her."
"Anything else, Monica?"
"No-now go."
"Wow-rude much."
He rolled his eyes, flying out the palace-now we can start saying our prayers of Ren not running into anything-
He quickly figured out which palace it was-there was a mob out front.
"What the hell?!"
He walked into the mob, looking around for Yuna.
He didn't see anybody-until he noticed a small, hooded figure sneaking her way around the side of the castle, away from the crowd
He then started following the figure, curious-