I am completely in love with this game! The beginnings of Metroidvania exploration, great tone-setting music, mysterious atmosphere...
I feel a little weird about RNG being involved with combat/exploration, but if you can find secrets/upgrades that improve your accuracy/dexterity that would put my concerns there to rest. The way you made interesting combat in a text based game was also very impressive.
One criticism I might have is that having all of your current options for exploration explicitly described to you mitigates some of the satisfaction of figuring out what situations you can use certain items. For example, when you get bombs, the game just tells you where you can use them, and you can't use them in any other situations. I think it might be more interesting to simply give the player the option to use bombs in any room they like, and not tell them that they can destroy cracked surfaces (Perhaps you could just have a button to use any item you select from your inventory?) That way the player has to put two and two together themselves, and you don't sacrifice the essence of discovery when you find new items that's pretty essential to the Metroidvania experience imo. (Also this would let you put secrets in your map, since right now you have to tell the player everything they can do)
Anyway, great game, great execution! I would LOVE to see this developed into a full experience! 5/5