dude no one actually leave me behind it's just i feel comfortable being alone and safe or i just haven't feel someone else's comfort and love well i do get a lot of comfort
The parent part ummm😅.....There already there to the promise land😌
dude i know how to hold something if i want to but that doesn't mean i'm gonna stop my plan i'm holding it for now cause i've been yelled at by this mongrel's they just barge in into my house i thought they were robbers and i'm gonna be your wedding organizer
no bro that was a no no even though i live alone they were like my father when i broke our tv but i have a weapon when they know i'm about to cry they just stop then we'll have a small talk (ofc that was just acting hehe)
Yah i think i realize it when i saw people being step by the ones who have power then it came to me what the point of living if humans can't even help each other so what's the point right?