I liked it! I know some people thought it wasn't enough of a lack-of-mechanic, but I think throwing the gun adds a nice twist where after you shoot you're helpless until you get your gun. I wasn't able to finish because I hit a bug in the area with the dark enemies where I threw my gun to press down the red button but got stuck in the wall when it went solid. I'll probably go back to it later to try and finish but I got a bit frustrated and ragequit xD
A few constructive criticisms:
* The enemy types could be distinguished a bit better, e.g. the ones with wheels could also be a different color to make it easier to tell whether they'll move, same with the ones that raise up when you throw your gun.
* Some checkpoints would be really nice for people who are terrible at games like me :)
* The puzzle at the beginning has a very short time window for running and getting out -- maybe I approached it wrong but it always took me a couple tries to get out, and coupled with always going back to the beginning when I died it got pretty frustrating.
Overall, great concept and with a bit of polish I could see myself really enjoying this!