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I have to say it man, even though it is small, it's amazing. I think ur the first to make a gbs boss fight!! But I have no idea how u made those spikes in the ground, could u explain it to me?

Thanks a lot Marrie C. I might do a tutorial series on my youtube channel about how I made some of these features. The spikes are made my creating an invisible actor with a timer loop. Whenever the timer expires, it changes the spikes to a transparent sprite and removes collisions. I then toggle between two states to alternate them.

Also - just checking, have you managed to finish the whole game yet? I wouldn't say it's super small. There are three bosses in total to get through!

I'm dallas from yt. Late reply, but yep, killed all three. They were kinda hard (except for the first one), but once I understood what I had to do, not so much. It is a really nice game I have to say. 

And yo, how did u made the player knockback when he gets hit? I asked at the discord and ppl told me to use "bounce", but even though I am at version 3.0 this bounce doesn't show to me