I've finally gotten around to playing Bastien and Sofia's routes, and holy moly, why did I wait this long to play this masterpice? I love it. Love how we can actively participate in the politics, and love how there's conflict around the romances too, and the option to change :D
The stakes are so much higher than in TRoS with the politicking. It was already great in Bastien's route, but Sofia's route seemed like a step up from even there, you guys keep outdoing yourselves.
I really appreciate how the morals are explicitly questioned in universe, yet we are allowed to do questionable things, in both politics and romance! That poly, my heart, that's everything I needed ;; From the first option leaning there, I was getting overexcited for it! Thank you so much for inlcuding that!
Game mechanics wise, I am amazed by the amount of branches there are, I have yet to explore all of them. Not even talking about the custom personality of the MC and how that must affect dialogue and choices. Tipping my imaginary hat for you!
I really can't believe Duchess di Parisi and her double dealings and intricate web of lies. I wanted to hate her, but I do get where she is coming from. She is so well-written. My favorite character is still Frederique though, he is just so loveable! Also his disguises :D He had me laughing more than once.
I'm excited for the routes to come! Thank you for your hard work in bringing us this game, because it is amazing!