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Multisensory feedback

  • Info conveyed through multiple forms (Especially key information)
    • Feedback: Sound effects + Visual feedback (+ Haptics)
      • Screen reader support, varied soundscape for different information
      • Caveat: as mentioned above, if effects may cause negative responses in certain audiences, it should be optional
    • Key info should not rely on colors or a single sense (visual/auditory/rumble) alone
    • Subtitles for ambient noise/convos (as in Minecraft)
      • Ambient noise or conversations that convey key information about the surroundings or game rules need to be subtitled

Clear UI/Subtitles

  • Large, well-spaced, easy-to-read font, high contrast
    • Special in-game fonts should also have more readable option
Example of readable text
You can open a menu to overlay readable text on in-game text

Clear instructions

  • Use simple language and instructions for key info or tutorials
    • Tutorials need to be easily understood
    • Tutorials need to be replayable to be relearned