Thank you for your kind words. I am particularly proud of the case folder art. Your comments are quite correct - I realised when I was taking it from the prototype, which was basically a "can I make something like this work in Twine?" experiment/mini game, to the full map area that even the full map area is too small for what I wanted to do. I had to scale back the number of clues that give outright hints (the paw prints) otherwise it's just too easy. I did build in a little bit of rubber banding for the times when it's too hard (as you are running out of time, a couple of clues - if you have not hit them and then do - will give a directional hint in the text) but ultimately the map needs to be bigger.
I am going to continue working on this by adding a new case for the detective to solve and in that one I will make the map bigger and work even more on perfecting balance by subtly adjusting certain things, especially to make it slightly easier when the randomisation gods are causing their bad-luck chaos.