wow. all i ca say is wow. it has been a long time since i got genuinely scared by a game, i'm talking silent hill 1 and 2 days. but this. the times when i turned around and...well, you know. perfect scares. the bridge, that was great too. the only thing i didnt really like that seemed a bit goofy was the face on the car. i think what would have been scarier would have been to just leave it as a regular car with the freaky looking dude in it, but have the car suddenly rev up and bump the back of the bike, and then as you're trying to get away, he bangs into you every now and then. Also the tunnel bit was cool, and creepy, but it wore off after a while. if the sounds had changed to make it sound like she was getting faster (even if she wasnt) that woulda kept it going. and the hands in the walls were creepy as heck too, but again it wore off after a while. maybe if there had been full bodies crashing out of the walls near the end to ramp it up before the climax. Apart from that, this was amazing. and what and ending. that was a hands over the mouth ''holy s***'' moment. great job man seriously great job.