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Thanks for playing! Just woke from my slumber after my overnight job shift; sorry for the wait!

My fiancée has vertigo amongst other disorders with visuals so I try my best to fit in warnings when I can; or settings on full projects/jam updates. I'm glad you got to enjoy it some before you had to turn it off! I do plan to do extensive accessibility options down the line.
The music was one of my more scared points so thank you! I'm not the best musician so getting a few bops together for an audio heavy game was; terrifying.

Thank you so much! I've been working on a bigger vertical shooter project; so trying to make a shooter fun and enjoyable has been my research and trial project for the past couple months now. I'm glad you found it fun!

Story-wise I had so much written and so much narrative to tell. But I definitely feel the game took a hit in that narrative mainly being stuck on paper. I got the title little intro to the story with the voice acting; that hopefully ran in the exported build. And some sense of the world through other interaction based voice dialogue played. But, all the level story was almost non-existent past the little description some of them have. Something I will have completely changed in future updates. I have so much story and cool lore I was hoping and plan to weave into the game more.
Time management was great until halfway through when my day job picked up; that's been the bane of my indie existence I still gotta figure out. That's when my brain frizzled out to "can I even finish the gameplay?!".

I hope you check it out in the future!
Right now I'm just cooling down with some gaming and some light work on my commercial project. After some time the first update I want to do is finish the other jobs, add in the full extent of story I had written, add in some basic if not more extensive accessibility settings (and settings in general); and generally a more finished vertical slice of a slightly bigger project down the line.

Thanks again for playing! Getting plays and feedback is the best part of jams :D