Works wonders in my browser! but the .exe doesn't work on my computer: it is made for 64bit architectures, and mine is only 32bit.
I didn't understand that the left card always makes you go left, and the right card only makes you go right. Maybe you should clarify that.
The action is a lot more readable compared to the last version thanks to the icons above the characters and the lowered speed at which they attack. But because the icons for your last action only appear the next turn, i would think at first that the icons were representing the action that i'd be performing this next turn ! Maybe only show the icons WHEN the characters move and WHEN the action is performed, but make them disapear after that. Like for example, make the shield glow around the character when it moves and make it disapear after that.
Also, if you put yourself against the wall and continue choosing the card that goes towards that wall, the AI can have somehow has a hard time attacking you sometimes, and will stay in place, neither going backwards or onwards.
I didn't understand why sometimes i'd go through the enemy without hitting them. I had either a wild boar attack or a simple attack on, and they didn't have a shield on, so why didn't they get hurt ?