Quality stuff! Not only is it playable, it's gameplay is pretty deep. It gets good once it get's going, but the beginning is rough. Right off the bat, I was a bit confused about how to begin. I was clicking around the very dense UI to no avail, and I couldn't move. I had to be told to buy the mine first, but I'm not sure I would've figured that out on my own. For much of the early game, I was essentially playing bumper carts with the enemies waiting for more money, and then I died :(
This was all before being told how to play, however. Once I got insider info (buy like 50 mines) the game really got going. I don't really have any gameplay issues after this point. It's fun! And the party mode and splash text are absurd!
Each bit of art is nice on their own, but there's a noticeable lack of cohesion. Given the complexity of the game, the UI was pretty well organized, although I think more visual emphasis should be put on vital parts like the mines and thrusters.
Music is a banger as always!!! Feels cool, has a satisfying stucture, and loops nicely. One complaint: after a few minutes of gameplay, the harsh synth does get a little grating.