I'm having problems just maneuvering through the slime forest (just bought the game - only 2nd day in). I can click on the question mark by a plant, it turns gold, but nothing happens. I can only see the top of Ban's hair and he's usually at the very edge of the screen. Sometimes I get a circle with an arrow, but it seems I have click the arrow to get him to go to that spot, but the arrow doesn't stay up long enough. I've tried using arrow keys, but Ban doesn't seem to go anywhere or doesn't appear on my screen at all.
I can't fish - the fish thought bubble works the same as the harvestables - I can click on it, it turns gold, but nothing happens.
There is no Town Map or Back To Town link, so the only way I could get out of the Slime Forest was to hope enough monsters attacked me to have me faint & end up in the clinic.
I would love to have a Back To Town link added, in case I do get stuck in the forest and can't continue the game.
Not sure if this is because I have an old computer or if anyone else experiences this bug.