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(1 edit)

Very nice! Pretty good completion/polish for a jam, and of course interesting puzzly gameplay. A tiny bit of polish would make this a great (full release) game. The puzzles are a good challenge, but the difficulty doesn't ramp too quickly.

I got stuck on the level with the blob almost directly left of spawn; not sure if that's a difficulty spike or if I'm just being dumb.

I agree with another commenter that adding more hits before death would be nice to make it just a tad more forgiving.


Thanks a lot! Difficulty balance might indeed be not too good in this build I kinda did the level design quickly without going back to it afterward too much! I'll definitely polish that up after the jam and add a bunch of new levels :) 

That blob can be quite tricky when you don't get it but there's alternative solutions, I'll put some other rooms before so it doesn't feel like unfair difficulty! 

Adding health, at first I thought it would be nice to make the game more friendly, however I realised it would break the feel of the game in most cases. Like if you get hit aren't you supposed to get knock back? But then wouldn't that make you go back even tho that's the whole point of the game, not going back? Also when your on the same horizontal line of an ennemie, you know you can't kill him anymore, which makes it really important to always stay behind an ennemie if you want to get him out, but by adding more health that wouldn't be a problem anymore, not to mention you could just breeze through most rooms that were puzzle based at first :/

So yeah I wouldn't know how to fix that, I think no health is fine since the rooms are fairly short but yeah I wouldn't want my game to be frustrating. 


That's a good point about hit points! I hadn't thought about the knockback from a hit, or just trying to flee enemies. If that's not intended to be a viable solution, then yeah, adding hp would mess things up. Thanks for taking the time to elaborate on that :)

I think up until that one room, the difficulty increases steadily, though perhaps even a little slowly. I felt very clever up until that point, haha. I'm gonna have to go back and try that room again when I've got some free time, though.

So now that I've gotten through it, I think that room is within a very reasonable difficulty curve. I was just being dense.