It's in the rock club, involves having a certain kink active!
i did! First i tried to talk to everyone there. But it didn't work. Then i keep drinking in that place until i got drunk effect and tried to talk with other once more. But it's still the same. The only one i'm curious about is the place where there are a lock door with three people inside ( it's located beside the bartender ( walk to the arrow beside the bartender). In that place, i only found three character i was talking about earlier and the other one standing beside the room (outside the room).
Are you refering "him" to the character that is standing outside the room where there are three people inside? If yes, i do notice the greyed out button when i played it a long time ago. But now, i can't repeat it because i've finished the event.
Note: right now, i make a new character so if you're refering "him" to what i said earlier, please tell me how to trigger that greyed out text again. Because the last time i played i just got lucky and didn't know what he want