Very cute game, but VERY frustrating! I agree this game would do well with a check-point system, but even some heart pickups would be nice too.
I liked how you demonstrated how to kill the enemies using the spring in the beginning, I thought that was very clever! I wasn't able to finish it, though. I got to the final boss once but I wasn't able to get to him again after dying another 5 times. It just wasn't in me. :(
I noticed that the screws are JUST high enough above you to not hit you if you're standing still on level ground. So you can evade all enemies just by running past them. This seems like something you did intentionally to give leeway to the difficulty of the rest of the game, which I thank you for 🙏
If you make the difficulty curve a bit nicer or add some pickup/checkpoints I think this could be a fun little game, but right now it's pretty hard to play through. I'll be sending you a link to my playthrough of the game soon (compressing a 2.7GB video file right now)