Nice game with lots of potential. I don't know how much more you're planning to add, but at some point it will definitely need a polish pass or two, lots of small problems here and there that could be improved, but overall it's pretty good.
I took some notes while playing the first 20 or so minutes.
Lots of mixels, I'm not personally a fan but it might be something you like.
D-pad is completely unused, as someone who prefers using the d-pad in both menus and in-game this was a sore point.
No button remapping.
The shape of the character collider makes platforming somewhat awkward, consider using some other shape.
Consider finding some character controller 2D online since I know Unity doesn't have one built in for 2D and using rigidbody is not ideal in most situations. Using a custom character controller lets you have way more control over the feel of moving around. I'd recommend looking at Sebastian Lague's old tutorials or Prime31's character controller on github.