Its a little more complex than that, but essentially its flooring the viewport UV's, getting a user inputs scalar to control intensity and then doing some maths and pumping that into a scene texture post process 0 node although there are other methods to do it, I used a different method in the Night Vision/Thermal one I'm working on which is a little simpler and gives a 1:1 pixel ratio, ie, you can specify the screen resolution you want to mimic (256, 512 etc) But to answer your question, nope it doesnt change the games resolution! You can run the shader at 4k screen resolution, it just takes the view ports resolution as a base and does a little simple math with it :) Your game will still run at whatever resolution you set it to! :)
I mean if you wanted a quick and dirty pixel effect you COULD just lower the screen resolution but then when you turned the shader off, the screen resolution would still be super low, this way you can have the pixelated effect and still maintain your desired resolution at all times, Hope that helps!