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(1 edit)

Somehow all of my daily redemption attempts disappeared. Not sure what happened but I redeemed all of Saturday's, then opened the app at 12:30am Sunday and received #6074. I had 10 daily attempts but now zero; the .ini contains the following: 

  • num_characters_owned="30.000000"
  • daily_redeems_remaining="0.000000"
  • current_streak="4.000000"
  • last_played_date="44604.552390"
  • last_reward_day="13.000000"

I'll see whether it happens again tonight.

oh goodness! So sorry about that! Please do let me know if it fixes itself or not. I'll see if I can figure out what happened at my end and update the file, but probably can't restore your streak sorry. (Though you could probably just manually edit the ini file to get some back, hopefully...)

Oh, it looks like the streak is still saved and just the number of attempts for the day is what's missing, hey. At least that means if I can fix this, your streak should still continue...

Yeah it seems that way. It's just gone midnight here and I have 15 redemption attempts remaining. I'll leave them there and check in the morning. 

okay, great. Sounding less like a bug with the 'how to give more redeems' code and more like a bug somewhere else that impacted it... SOrry for the inconvenience all the same!

Still got my 15 attempts, so it hasn't happened again today. I'll keep an eye on it but for now I suppose the mystery remains!

okay, thanks so much! I reckon still very much my fault but might be from pressing a button at the same time something else happened (like during the random card giveaway or something). I'll investigate when i can! (Work and BKPC dominating my time atm)