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First of all, we are literally screaming right now. This is the most genuine review for a game, especially on we've ever read. And your timing is perfect! We're actually working right now on improvements for our game and your ideas will flow right into them. 
Your feedback is very valuable for us and we are beyond happy that you enjoyed our game this much! 

W can tell you we already tweaked the weapons, we reduced the cooldown for the shotgun and made the gas grenade more useful (we're totally with you here, it was the worst weapon of them all). 

Also thanks for your bug list! We didn't know that the protectiles of the corn were invisible at times. It's supposed to shoot popcorn but we somehow forgot to implement it.. oops! Concerning the enemies.. some of them get out of the level and can't find their way back to the player. So you probably didn't kill them all, we just messed ab the path finding there.. 

We want to thank you again and we appreciate the time and effort you put in actually playing and reviewing our game to this extend!