where is the woodsman and what shall i do in the deep forest? All i mest is the ghost st the end which kills me.
Woodman is near Chandler's home.And for this ghost, read well every single line of dialog :)
thx for the ghost tip. as for woodsman the door is closed, but perhaps i must deal with the ghost first.
Don't worry, you'll get access to the woodman later in the game. But I won't tell you when and how. You're around 15-20% of the game now. You'll get some strange quest... But I'll let you discover everything :)
thx for your kind answer and i really love this game. I hope a sequel is planned...
I've already started work on the sequel. In fact, there will be a Briley 2 and 3.
Thank god. I will buy them as well for sure.l
Briley's adventure part 2 will be an instant buy as soon as it is made available. Can't, wait to see Smokey complaining about tuna :)And you'll see Smokey get an hard life in the game :D