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I like the pace of this game. Its nice that all the balls come from the bottom so you can go to the top and just wait and see where the balls come from…

Its a bit annoying that I need to go back to main menu to replay but that is where you see the score so that makes sense I guess. A top score as well as recent score would have been nice, as well as a score during game play so you know how you’re doing. Also when you read the introduction, the screen disappears basically as soon as the last letter shows which is a bit too quick. Maybe a second or so delay between the last letter and the screen changing would be good.

One bug I found is that if I move to the top left or top right corner the movement controls go wierd. Like up arrow starts moving me to the right and right goes down. If that is intensional its quite confusing, but otherwise the game works well.


Thanks Yanni, yeah that's weird and I can certainly fix it, I believe it'll have something to do with the motion, as I used 4 invisible objects for anchors

Thank you for the feedback,



No problem :)