I'm very late to the scene, however there is a way to play DDLC using a chromebook that involves some amount of internal modifications, however it is something you can easily do with just a chromebook. For one thing is I will not claim responsibility for you damaging a school chromebook if that's what you are you using. those are not yours so just stop immediately if thats what you are using. Alright so first you should follow the steps on this website http://chrisboo.com/uncategorized/install-ubuntu-16-04-on-chromebook-using-crout... After you do so, you should download the .zip file of this of this game and unzip it using the terminal. Then in the DDLC folder, run ddlc.sh and you should be good to go. if not then you should look for help with installing on a linux, after you make your chromebook a linux. Your chromebook is repairable btw