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"P..please not the jokes, s..sir..-"

"oh but im not joking.. your doing just so well.. you looking stunning you know, such delightful fur.. such a lovely color.."

"Stop sirrrr! Your making me blushh!"

"Oh come on, your beautiful! I could go on and on about how lovely you look, especially your attitude, everything about you is so sweet and gentle!"



"Please your making me blush, stoppp!"

"Fineeee, but just know that-I won't next time I compliment youuu~! TwT"

"Thank you..!"

"Heh, alright alright, your welcome.. now, let's finish this up, I really just wanna cuddle with you for a bit!"

He smiled at her once again, and gently pushed the rest in her, and really, she wasn't even in much pain, if any to begin with. Peeeerhaps sweet-talk helpsss uv u