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For your question about chests: you have to land on a chest tile to pick an item. Meaning you stop moving to get an item and cannot use any remaining SPD that turn. Chests can be used as many times as you like. And for the items once they run out it is up to you whether you shuffle and reuse or choose to run out of items.

Spikes/slime: every time you leave one of these tiles you roll. Whether you start your turn in one or are just passing through. 

Blue jazz does not ignore DEF stat. And yes I’m that example he would have 6 ATK. 

Big look’s ability activated when you are drawing a new tile. You can choose to draw three instead on one and pick your favorite to put in that space.

The key can only be attained from the key tile or by beating someone in combat.

Klepto can still use speed with his ability. (He is my favorite character)

Slip kid’s ability is his SPD for that turn. So you can either use your SPD or slide in a straight line.

For an item and ability at the same time: Depends on the Keeypling. Some abilities are used during combat or when drawing cards. But in general if the rules don’t say you can’t do it, then go for it! Makes it interesting.

Surprise tiles are only meant to be found once, but you can always shuffle them back in for more surprises if you like.

The switch item is treated the same as if you were swapping Keeyplings on the start tile. You keep the HP you currently have. And you would just be swapping between the two Keeyplings you have.

Hope this helps, I’m not usually on itch that much, but when I saw these questions I thought I’d respond.

Bread 🍞