My thoughts while playing the game.
+ = I liked it
- = I didn't like it
* = Neutral/suggestion
+ Nice custom art
+ I like that I get to choose which story to hear first
+ Winter is coming. Lol
+ Complete with the pose. Nice!
- I'm noticing a lot of blank space on the right side of the message box. Consider enabling Word Wrap in the Yanfly Message Core plugin.
- The "terrible stew" interaction was funny, but when I talk to the girl again she just fidgets. Needs a follow-up interaction to keep it seamless.
- I'm glad that you said the whisky was in the guy's drawer in the barracks, but which bed/drawer is it?
* Found it!
+ Wayfinding labels is a good idea. I knew where the headquarters and barracks were, and where to go to leave and proceed with the mission.
+ Riha's over-the-top cluelessness is funny
+ Wow, hand-drawn enemy and battle back that fits seamlessly together! Impressive.
- I would have liked to see more variety in attack animations. Most of the attacks are just slash.
- While the scrolling text was not too overwhelming, I still would have preferred it to be text windows so I could read at my own pace.
- Dual Attack, Double Attack, and Triple Attack all lack descriptions and costs. Can I just spam these attacks? What do they do? (I can guess though since I've seen these default skills before)
* Looks like it doesn't really matter after all
+ I'm still digging the hand-drawn enemies and backgrounds
* The downscaled/pixelated Mage enemies were kinda meh but it's a small thing
+ Cat as a hat! That's funny.
- "Start with -" is kinda weird sounding after having done one of the stories, and even weirder when it's the last choice.
+ Oh cool, I even get to choose who to punish and excuse!
- There are occasional spelling errors but nothing that makes things difficult to understand
It's a short silly story with some fun interactions and even a few bonus content points. I like it, it made me laugh. Props for the custom art, too.