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(1 edit)

Awesome concept. Really unique and interesting. Love the art, sound, and the spooky elements you're incorporating. I'm just gonna dump a bunch of miscellaneous thoughts and feedback.

-Figuring out what 'networked' meant was pretty confusing. It would probably be clear enough if you just said "on the same landmass" or something like that

-It would be a lot more elegant to have a commit button that cycles through each day and reports on how your town did, instead of hammering sleep over and over again. If you've played any factory puzzle games they usually have something like this.

-It's really easy to screw yourself in a click so an undo button would be a nice feature if it's not there already.

-The dark forest sprite can block view of you own buildings making it hard to tell how I lost on some levels. Could be fixed by making them shorter or maybe by making stuff transparent when you're hovering over something behind them.

-It's hard to micromanage how many days everything has left until destruction, having a little number pop up over every building at the end of each day would be nice.

-I had a hard time figuring out how various purple tiles worked, wished there was a little more handholding there.

-I don't get the point of having to put down timber and then put down a house. Seems to make the game needlessly fiddly. I get that it extends the amount of time it takes to place a house but this was never an issue.

Had lots of fun plaything though it. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out!